Wednesday 25 November 2009

Why hate?

Okay so I was watching E! New Moon premier fashion police earlier and they were talking about Kristen and her style.
They were saying (i'll try to quote the exact quote) 'What happened to hair?' 'Her hair looks jetlagged' 'What, was there like no extension budget?'
This annoyed me (lol)

1. Kristen isn't the type of girl who would wear extensions to please people, she isn't Ashley Greene (sorry ashley greene fans but she tries way to hard, love her as Alice though). Kstew just rocks what shes got, and she totally rocks it.
2. She is the type of person who doesn't care what people think, she did her hair for the premier, you could see that and it looked awesome. Only Kstew can pull that kinda hair of and she did it with style

and then i got to thinking, people just genuinely don't like her because:
A. She either gets to kiss Robert Pattinson (yeah, i think every girl is jealous about that but there is no reason to hate the girl). Why hate her for that? Its her job! and sure yeah they might (and i say MIGHT) be dating in real life, but thats up to them. Leave them alone, jeze.

B. She 'doesn't finish her sentences' and is very 'inarticulate' ugh shut up! she is well aware that she doesn't finish her sentences but she doesn't care. Shes just trying to find the right things to say, she doesn't want to upset people and the fans and also she doesn't want to say something that'll come back and bite her up the butt. But shes got better with that now, I feel like she has the confidence to not give two f*cks what people say about her.

C. Because she wont admit or disclose anything about her 'relationship' with Rob. Ugh, give the girl a break! As if she wants to tell the world about her life, it gets talked about enough already and if she did come out and say it, it'll be the only thing people will want to talk to her about. Leave her be, shes a private person.

D. She 'hates the Twilight saga'. yeah, er where did you hear her say that? God she isn't ungrateful or anything she just didn't know how to handle the fame. Shes stated many of times that she isn't in it for the fame and that she just loves to share the thing she loves to do (act) with people. It's gotta be hard when your like what, make a movie and then bam your face is all over gossip magazines talking crap about you. Give the girl a break shes only 19!!

E. She doesn't dress up alot. Yeah, so who wants to go out all day every day wearing a dress and heals. Shes much more comfortable with her jeans a tee and she totes rocks it all the time. She likes her converse and skinny jeans...leave her be.

So basically they are ridiculous reasons to hate her. Its pathetic..shes a f*cking great actor...And has done a great job with Bella and plus she really cares about her character, most people don't care when they do a movie...she does.


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